Friday, February 2, 2007

Goshiki Kotohime 3/23/05

Always the earliest to leaf out in the Spring, Goshiki Kotohime never disappoints. After leafing out with bright orange leaves, it lightens to a terra cotta hue, then goes green, and later in the spring the new shoots are red.

1 comment:

Barbara's Japanese Maple Avenue said...

Goshiki Kotohime is always the first to leaf out in the garden, usually in mid-March. It's a gorgeous plant with leaves on very short-to-nonexistent petioles nearly on the main stems. The total effect is one of congestion, bunches of leaves clustered together very near the trunk and branches. This photo was taken after rain, hence the glistening effect on the leaves. This plant holds its spring color well and is our harbinger for spring.